When you have both home and auto insurance, you have some liability protection. However, you likely have very little of it. One way to fix that is to add an umbrella insurance policy to your coverage. If you are interested in having an umbrella policy, call us today at Dune Lakes Insurance in Inlet Beach, FL.
Boost Your Liability Coverage
To get more liability coverage for your home and auto insurance policies, you can go to the insurance carrier and ask to raise your liability maximums. However, this can be extremely expensive to do. For getting the coverage that is not much more, you can significantly raise your monthly premiums costs. Few people want to do this and drive up their bills, but extra coverage is important to have.
However, there is another choice for raising the liability coverages on both of these policies. You can get an umbrella insurance policy. This type of policy adds to both your home and auto insurance so that you are covered with far more liability insurance. That makes it more likely that a serious accident won’t max out your coverage and force you to sell your assets to pay for medical bills. If a serious accident were to occur, you would have far more coverage to pay for it with an umbrella plan.
Talk to an Insurance Agent
If you need more liability coverage and you don’t want to pay through the nose for it, call us at Dune Lakes Insurance in Inlet Beach, FL to make an appointment with an agent. We can explain more about umbrella policies to you and find out how much coverage you likely need to have enough liability protection.