When you own a business, you have several different areas that need to be covered by insurance. You will need property insurance if you own the building, or renters insurance if you are leasing. If you have employees, you should have worker’s compensation. General liability is necessary in case anyone is hurt or any property is damaged because of your business.
But wouldn’t it be easier to have one policy that covers it all? It would be easier to manage, and you would have one payment instead of several. If you have a business in Inlet Beach, FL, you can talk to our representatives at Dune Lakes Insurance about the easiest way to manage your insurance in multiple areas.
Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)
A business owner’s policy will put together all the different kinds of coverage you would need as a business owner, in one package. You can include property insurance, renter’s insurance, liability insurance, and other kinds of insurance that you feel your business needs. Another common coverage in a BOP is business interruption coverage, which will help you if there is ever a time when your business is temporarily unable to operate.
There are some kinds of coverage that cannot be combined in a BOP. These include worker’s compensation, auto insurance, health and disability insurance, and professional liability insurance. You will need to purchase separate policies for those.
By bundling your policies together, you will be able to get discounts, your account will be easier to manage, and you will feel more confident knowing that all your information is in one place. If you have a small business in Inlet Beach, FL, call Dune Lakes Insurance to see if we can help you find a Business Owner’s Policy that suits your needs.